Tc. Ministry of Justice Afyonkarahisar Campus Open Penal Institution
In line with the needs of Agricultural Irrigation Systems, Afyonkarahisar...
Greenhouse Opening and Lettuce Seedling Distribution was Held within the Scope of the Activating the Use of Agricultural Lands Project
Within the scope of the Activation of the Use of Agricultural Lands Project (TAKEP), Bilecik Valiliği (governorship), Bilecik İl Tarım Orman Müdürlüğü, Bilecik Tarım Kredi Kooperatifi No. 2500 and Tarım Kredi İmece Plastik A.Ş. In cooperation, a sample greenhouse was opened and lettuce seedlings were distributed. We continue to support our farmers.
Central Union General Assembly Meeting
Central Union General Assembly Meeting was held at Tarım Kredi İmece Plastik
Agricultural Fair in Russia Krasnodar
Agricultural Fair Russia is the largest agricultural fair of Krasnodar Countries
Russia Seminar Organization September 2022
Bashkortostan is one of the largest agricultural regions of Russia and its agricultural revenue volume
We Visited Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erkan in His Office
We visited Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture Dean Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERKAN in his office.